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Adric is also available as an addition to your study trip, with vast experience of making cutlurally revelent trips from 10 days driving around Europe to 2 weeks in very different cultures.


"Adric is amazing at thinking on his feet and finding solutions when the unexpected happens. He takes care to explain ways students can discover the local culture for themselves rather than trying to explain it"

Another way to use Adric is as a suppliment for a theme week. 


His wide background enables him to fit into teams easily and add a sense of fun and depth to any theme.


"He always has an activity or game that can sprinkle some fun into a theme along with thinking in a very different way to the teachers from Denmark."

Adric excels when given a project with some students and told to "just get it done!". 


"He can engage students in the creation and execution, giving them full responsibility while also acting as a safety net, allowing them to experience failure with him having a back up plan in his back pocket."

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